Interview: The only way to know your fate is natal chart interpretation

From all the astrological terms, retrograde Mercury has definitely gained increasing publicity. Everyone knows that the period when this planet retrograde is a period when communication problems and misunderstandings are common, so it is not recommendable to sign a contract, bad assessments, and decisions seem inevitable, traffic jams, while some important documents, such as personal ones, can be lost. To this list, and the obviously poor publicity of retrograde Mercury, I have to add another from my recent experience – don’t do interviews when Mercury is retrograde! 🙂

Namely, about 10 days ago, I talked to a journalist from the local newspaper “Dnevne novine”, answering questions whose purpose was to bring astrology to a better understanding of a wider audience. However, when the interview was published, it came out with numerous and serious shortcomings, which not only thwarted the original intention but could cause additional confusion among the readers, despite the undoubtedly good intention of the journalist. For these reasons, but also to protect my integrity and approach to astrology that I nurture on this site, I decided to publish that conversation in its integral form here.


  • Why did you choose astrology?

    I can freely say that I have always been fascinated by one of the basic premises of astrology, and that is that each of us lives his uniquely own “piece of heaven”. It also inspired me to explore this thesis as thoroughly as possible. Confirming it through practice, I also discovered the beauty of astrological language that has written a wide variety of different natures and destinies, so this Art found a strong foothold in my spirit and being, already imbued by the research of Hermeticism. I was especially interested in this synchronicity connexion through which this “piece of heaven” is manifested in real life, and whose essence lies in the simultaneity of changes and cycles that take place in the sky, in the form of planetary movements, and in man, which excludes the cause-and-effect relationship between them (heaven and man). Thus, the planets and the celestial sphere move in parallel with the inner development of man, so, in that sense, it is incorrect to claim that the “stars” influence man and determine his destiny by that influence. Stars are just indicators and do not cause anything. Because of all this, the astrological connexion between heaven and Earth cannot be characterized as causal as it is often explained today, but as symbolic and mystical, acausal if you will, as it has been explained for thousands of years. The totality of these and many other insights have convinced me that astrology really “works” on many other levels, in addition to the initial thesis.


  • What are the most usual questions you get?

The questions are really diverse and their variety has convinced me that through astrological symbolism,     virtually every question can be properly answered. From questions about lost things, through emotional troubles and joys to some that we could characterize as philosophical, the answer was always hidden in the mystical connection I mentioned in the previous question, which is shown through the appropriate horoscope. Although I initially assumed that “matters of the heart” would be the most frequent, in practice it turned out different, so in addition to these, questions about work and career, litigation, health, and even death are very common.


  • Could you give us some comparison of what people are interested in now and before?

It is almost impossible to draw a significant parallel in interests since the interests are quite similar. However, it is worth mentioning that lately, people are increasingly coming up with questions about choosing the best time to start an activity, even regarding the birth of a child, although such interventionism is very limited here, there were such requests. This fact can certainly be taken as an indicator of the growing trust in astrology and its scope because people tend to provide a “cosmic stamp” to their endeavors.


  • What questions can a horoscope answer?

Following the above, the horoscope can give really all kinds of answers. Questions like “which career suits me best,” “when is the best time to start my own business,” or “will I have children” are practical questions to which astrology can give specific answers. But besides, astrology can answer deeper doubts, such as “how  to achieve my purpose in life.” All these answers are obtained through specific horoscopes that have their own “specialization”. Thus, the natal chart, also known as the “life horoscope”, provides information on various areas of life such as predispositions for educational and professional development, choice of occupation and career; business and financial opportunities; talents; love and marriage life; offspring and relationship with children; health opportunities and hazards… The annual horoscope covers the same areas at the level of one year, usually from birthday to birthday, and is based on the natal chart. The comparison horoscope analyzes a certain relationship and provides valuable information about how compatible certain people are and what is the level of that compatibility, which leads to the conclusion of how important and permanent the relationship observed is. The widest range of questions is covered by horary horoscopes, which are an extremely convenient astrological tool for providing precise answers to a clear and specific question. Will I get a job at that company? Will I marry him? Does she love me? Should I go on that trip? Will I pass this exam? Will he pay me back? Unlike natal, which is useful for a more general overview of natives’ life, horary astrology seeks to provide practical answers to these and many other questions on a “yes or no” basis.


  • Can a horoscope answer questions concerning society as a whole and the future of the state and/or the world?

Yes, there is a special branch of astrology, known as mundane astrology that deals with these issues. It deals with general events such as the destinies of countries, wars, revolutions, states, climate change, economic progress, social events, and all the like that affect a larger group of people. Sometimes some events can be read easily because they are really striking, but sometimes there are more subtle variants of prediction. The beginnings of mundane astrology can be found in Ptolemy’s book “Tetrabiblos” where the author describes the differences of peoples and how and why are they symbolized by a particular zodiac sign, claiming that the characteristics of peoples and customs of countries originate from their longitudinal and latitudinal position and their connection to the Sun. The methods of this branch of astrology are very unique and these interpretations are very complex and involve consulting several different horoscopes, such as the ingress of the Sun in the sign of Aries for the appropriate territory, but also to other equinoctial points. Solar and lunar eclipses are very important, but also the conjunction of the chronocrators Saturn and Jupiter is observed, which takes place every 20 years, but they also have other more important cycles, such as that of triplicity change, where the smallest cycle is somewhere around 200 years and the largest close to 800 years. Only through such a detailed analysis can predictions be made for a state or people.


  • The most interesting horoscope you worked on, a detail you remember?

There were really various curiosities and interesting situations, but here I would like to single out a kind of project that was a special challenge for me. Namely, I had a client who dealt with the stock exchange business, trying to predict periods of growth and decline of currencies and commodities on the Forex stock exchange. Although this was a completely new field of astrological interpretations and predictions, we still managed to develop a certain system that had a high success rate, since these predictions were done very often. I intentionally say “we” because it is one of the situations from which it can be seen how client experiences can help the astrologer in developing such special astrological systems. The degree of accuracy at one point was so good that the above-mentioned stock exchange company gave the client even opposite investment recommendations than the decisions he made based on our predictions, amazed by his investments and consequential profits.

interview astrology


  • Is there a relativization in the reading of the horoscope and a tendency for some statements to seem true to us, and in fact they can refer to almost everything?

We can “thank for” this tendency to modern astrology present in the daily press, which certainly relativizes things, starting with the fact that 1/12 of humanity falls under the same sign to whom the same things will happen. Such “predictions” must be made on such a broad basis and through claims that can really be applied to everyone because their basic premise is wrong. Namely, what they are doing here is an interpretation of the current transits, setting a certain zodiac sign as the ascendant of that hypothetical horoscope. Only in very rare cases, these predictions could be true, but most usually they are wrong and worthless and that is why we get interpretations full of the so-called “commonplaces” and uncertainties. Predictions that will be specific and true only for us as individuals can only be obtained from our natal horoscope, and the relevant prognostic techniques that arise from it. Only things that exist in our unique natal chart can happen to us as individuals when the time comes for them, that is when they are activated by predictive techniques. Therefore, it is wisest that we ignore these so-called daily, weekly and similar so-called horoscopes, and if we are already interested in the future through astrology, the only right way is the interpretation of our own natal chart.


  • How did the zodiac signs emerge and how were the characteristics of the signs determined?

The characteristics of the signs that we encounter most often today are also the product of the so-called “reformation” of astrology, and in fact, it is a mere degradation of the astrological object to make it somewhat more appealing to the masses. So today, when you meet someone, it is almost impossible to elude the question: what is your horoscope sign? As if that simple answer will provide you with some better insight into the character of a certain person. This is how I often hear people say to me “I am a Sagittarius” or “we are Aquarians like that” etc., which reduces the personality not only to this incorrect correlation but also only to some zodiac sign. And not only to the sign but on our imperfect (and often wrong) idea about it. These are pure speculations, without any astrological basis.

Traditionally, the zodiac signs never had any “personality” that would automatically be applied to all those born on a certain date. The approach was different. Authors from tradition do not give “descriptions” of signs, ie. they do not attribute some characteristics to them. In general, the qualities of the signs are listed, and then the things with which the signs are associated, ie which are symbolically corresponding to them (professions, animals, places, colors, etc.). For example, Aquarius is a fixed, airy (hence both hot and moist), diurnal (as opposed to nocturnal), male, human (not animal like Aries or Leo, etc.), loud (not mute like water signs), the primary house of Saturn, etc. It is these qualities that lead us to further associations and conclusions, which must be in accordance with them. Therefore, Aquarius would be chatty (human and loud sign), stubborn (fixed quality), intellectual (airy and human), striving to structure (Saturn), and so on. Since it is a masculine, aerial, human/intellectual sign, this will make Aquarius more forward-looking and forward-moving than, say, Capricorn (second house of Saturn), but that doesn’t strip them of the fixed, Saturnian nature, so they can’t be so rebellious or independent as they are often portrayed. This is the only purely astrological method that can be used to delineate some features of the zodiac signs. How all these qualities are attributed to the signs stems from the complex but coherent and clear system of true astrology, and whose further elaboration goes beyond the scope of this interview.

In addition, I enclose the text that was finally published. To put aside the editorial policy, as I said before, the published version is obviously incomplete, with additions that I am not the author of, especially the introduction and conclusion.

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The published interview pg.1
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The published interview pg. 2

Astrology – the language of Nature: part one

In my practice so far, I have noticed that there is a certain disagreement in understanding of the predictive power that astrology as a craft possesses, that is mainly expressed through the conflicting attitudes that people have towards the concept of fate. So some believe that astrology can really predict future events, because they “believe in fate”. It can also be said that among those who are skeptical on this issue, astrology enjoys the greatest credibility that arises from its presumed scientific basis, that is, their perception of the same. We dealt with this in one of the previous articles, The Question of Fate in Astrology, which explains that same concept and provides an answer to the question of why astrology works. On the other hand, people who do not believe in fate start from the assumption that life itself is unpredictable, emphasizing that this unpredictability is one of the essential beauties of life and that the concept of fate is contrary to the concept of freedom etc. In a certain sense, both views are valid, and that derives from the very concept of Life, that is, Nature. Everything is really possible in Nature, and in that respect there can be no exclusivity or limitation, which doesn’t come from the very nature of living beings. But it is precisely this nature that is at the same time limiting, because a sentient being can only develop in accordance with its own nature or physis. Man is no exception in this regard, whether he accepted this predictability or not. Therefore, it is clear that predictability can be disputed to some extent, but this is not the situation when it comes to the knowability of our development. This, of course, does not mean that it is unambiguous, ie. generally determined for each person in terms of his attainment, but on the contrary, individual sprouts are always different and that diversity should be achieved at all levels. This individual basis is one of the basic premises on which astrology as a hermetic discipline is based. This cognition of our individual development therefore arises from our very nature. Astrology is a language that can enable us to know that, and hence its predictive power. Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, expressed this most beautifully:

“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.”

This is so because nature shapes us with the mentioned qualities, and what is most closely explained to us through humoral medical theory. Humoral medicine (theory or pathology) is the name for a theory that developed in ancient times and held that the human body consists of four basic body juices (humors). These juices have traditionally been: blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. According to that theory, the diseases were the result of an imbalance among the juices, and the treatment had to restore that balance. The theory was first put forward by the Greek physician and philosopher Empedocles in the second half of the 5th century BC. The theory is based on the teaching about the four basic elements that make up all things. The theory was further elaborated by Hippocrates, and later systematized by Galen, so that in the end it came to European doctors who learned it from medieval Arab doctors. The mutual proportion of these four humors forms the temperament of the person, which depending on the dominance of body juice in the body constitution can be choleric (yellow bile) – fire, melancholic (black bile) – earth, sanguine (blood) – air and phlegmatic (phlegm) – water . It is very rarely this pure, most often it represents a combination of all four, although the dominant one somehow always stands out. What is important to point out is that temperament is a predominantly innate personality trait determined by the biochemical characteristics of the limbic and central nervous systems. Given this, the assessment of temperament is also the starting point when analyzing the natal chart  – you can read more about it in the text How to (not) interpret the natal chart? Temperament is also considered the only unchanging constant, since it represents this fine weaving, the very foundation on which character is further built, because temperament is the one that colors all acquired experiences of a person, so his character traits will be differentiated on that basis. The concept of fate further fits into this, since it is closely connected with the character of the individual. This was noticed by another ancient philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus:

Everyone chooses – thinks, does, adopts … what follows him by nature, ie character (spirit). That is why some are “awake” (reasonable), while most are “sleepers” and their souls are mostly “moist” , i.e., limited, sensual, and irrational. 

One can also see the connection of this thesis with the modern theory of the “law of attraction” and the concept of “our life is what our thoughts make it” motto, which would clearly indicate that our thoughts and actions are conditioned by our nature. Or as Jesus points out in the Sermon on the Mount, speaking of prayer, “… Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

temperament astrology
Four temperaments

Astrology as a language of symbols contains all this information primarily in the natal chart. Astrology determines temperament by observing the following points: the ascendant, the Sun, the Moon, and even the Lord of the Geniture. It is especially interesting to consider the position of the Sun in this regard, which is not observed through the zodiac sign, but through the seasons, so here we have direct link with Jung’s interpretation that “… we carry within us the quality of the season in which we are born.” Since it is a sign that appears on the horizon at the moment of birth, the rising sign or ascendent ie. the horoscope has a special meaning because it imprints its symbolic qualities in the nature of the native. The significance of the second luminary, the Moon, is most obvious even on physical level, since science has also unequivocally determined the influence of its phases on life on earth. This influence is clearly manifested through the temperament of the native, since the phases of the Moon are observed in regard of relationship between qualities of heat, dryness, moist and cold (that determine temperament, eg choleric – hot and dry) which were observed to dominate in  a certain phase. So we have: from the new moon to the first quarter – hot and moist (sanguine); from the first quarter to the full moon – hot and dry (choleric); from the full moon to the last quarter – cold and dry (melancholic); from the last quarter to the new moon – cold and moist (phlegmatic).

However, what makes a natal chart the most suitable means of interpreting this predictability, ie of knowing one’s nature, and therefore one’s fate, is the fact that all of this is expressed in a unique language of symbols. The symbol represents the sublimation of different concepts, i.e. it is a combination of intuitive cognition and logical understanding and as such is an expression of Knowledge. When we look at a certain symbol, we can come to much deeper, and more importantly more complete, knowledge about everything that is somehow woven into it, than we ever could by simply reading tons of books about it or by just intuitively guessing. The symbol unites both these types of cognition into one and enables us to see the Truth that it represents without any relativization. Surely in many situations you could feel how this congruency of some inner voice and logical reasoning leaves that infallible impression of knowledge that leads you to enthusiastically exclaim “I knew it!” It is precisely such a connexion that  the symbol represents, and their power lays just there, since they transcend words and feelings and sublime them into a unique synthesis of Knowledge. This is also the reason why the highest Mysteries of human existence are transmitted precisely through symbols.

And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. (Gospel of Luke, 8:10)

In that sense, symbols can be considered as the language of Nature and her Intent in the philosophical sense. Astrological symbols are an example of such sublimation, as we shall see in later examples. This principle is perhaps most clearly expressed through Jung’s hypothetical construct of the archetype that signifies the universal, inherited framework of all experience. These are innate patterns of thought, feeling, and action that result from the centuries-long experience of many generations of ancestors. In a broader sense, the original model or prototype. The archetype is the basic structural and dynamic unit of the collective unconscious. It can be studied through its manifestations on a collective level (in myths, religious dogmas, poetic images, rituals, etc.) and on an individual level (in dreams, visions, symptoms and parapsychological experiences). However, his expression is always a symbol and it is always an allegorical representation of a certain aspect of Truth. Take, for example, the symbol of the cross, which is most often associated with sacrifice, and at the same time it is a clear symbol of Christianity, whose paradigm is based on sacrifice.

planets astrology symbols
Symbols of the planets

Astrology works on this principle, considers the symbols of the planets, zodiac signs and other astrological factors which as such represent certain special aspects of Knowledge and the mentioned intent, expressed through a personal microcosm, described by their unique relationship in our “piece of heaven” and it is possible, and consequently derived, from the natural, hermetic teaching “as above so below.” It is very important to point out that when I talk about a natural plan, I am not talking about a master plan that can only take place one way that is pre-conceived and determined and that there is no other way. This intent that we have in mind here is more like something that is constantly evolving and somehow unwinding on its own, and all we can actually do is only to notice the symbolic constants of such unwinding. This is obvious on an individual level through the fact that our naturally given potentials may or may not develop, and the same can be said even for the civilizational currents through Time, which we will deal with in the following text.

But, let us return to the symbols in the natal chart. As an example, here I would like to highlight two planets that I truly consider transcendent, and that is the pair of Venus and Mars, and not some others that modern astrology favors without any basis. Surely the ideas of love and partnerships immediately come to your mind, which is only a part of their general symbolism, but which of course has a clear implication in that field that comes from their transcendental nature. So aren’t we most challenged to overcome our ego in love relationships?

Venus and Mars are inviting us to this transcendence in different ways. Astrology observes the principle of Mars through right action. It is an action that in some abstract sense transcends the demands of our ego, regardless of what personal views tell us that it is or is not right, and regardless of whether the personal ego tells us that it is smart or not. Traditionally, there are two places where Mars causes a person to transcend itself. One is the battlefield, where you do something your ego doesn’t want you to do at all – you sacrifice yourself through the right action. Another place where you sacrifice yourself through right action, putting your ego at risk, is the bed. That is why an orgasm is called a “small death”. Because if you are transcending your ego, it does not want that to happen, to give so much of yourself. Finally, whether you are male or female, the impulse of Mars in you wants to transcend the ego, because then you can find beauty.

venus mars
Venus and Mars

If Mars wants to transcend the ego through right action, Venus wants to the same but by sacrificing in a different way – by giving that transcends the ego. What do you do when you connect your Venus with someone? You start buying gifts. And your ego doesn’t want that, he wants presents for himself. Or spend time cooking for another person, while your ego doesn’t really care what he or she will eat! And when your Venus is seriously attached, you completely transcend your life by wrapping it in a fine little ball and offer it to another person, saying, “Look, do you want this, do you want to marry me?” This principle of giving comes from a related aspiration towards union which is, clearly, also a symbolic expression of Venus, which at the deepest level wants to unite us with God (hence in traditional iconography the Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove, a bird ruled by Venus), while at the synastry level this aspiration is expressed through desire to connect with another person. Interestingly, the symbol of Venus contains the previously mentioned symbol of the cross.

All in all, this example of Venus and Mars in their symbolic expressions of our transcendent needs clearly tells us to what extent we can observe astrological symbolism and what insights it can give us about ourselves and our nature, and hence destiny. For destiny is only a set of experiences derived from  our needs and desires and as such represents the unwinding of our nature through those experiences, ultimately and possibly leading us to Wisdom, to the development of our potential, or to the failure that nature will reject.